Free Consult:

41 N Federal Hwy D,
Pompano Beach, FL 33062

(754) 432-3653

35111 US Hwy 19 N Suite 310 Palm Harbor, FL 34684

(727) 475-8075

Revolutionary Upper Cervical Care

At Atlas Clinics, we believe in a unique approach to chiropractic care that transforms lives. Learn more about our Percussive Soundwave Technology today.

We can help.

Our gentle and non-invasive treatment aligns your spine, helping your body heal from various conditions.

Navigate Life with a Straighter Path

Atlas Clinics provides innovative care for scoliosis, aiming for better alignment and quality of life.

Powerful & Effective

Transformative Care for Scoliosis

Experience the benefits of percussive soundwave technology for scoliosis at Atlas Clinics. Our targeted treatments work to improve spinal alignment and reduce the curvature, offering a non-surgical approach to managing scoliosis.

Indian woman in pain touching her neck and lower back


About Scoliosis

Scoliosis can be caused by genetic factors, developmental issues, or unknown reasons. Our chiropractic methods focus on improving spinal alignment and function.

Treatment for scoliosis with our technology is gentle and non-invasive, aimed at realigning the spine comfortably.

Effectiveness varies, with many patients experiencing improvements in posture, pain reduction, and a decrease in spinal curvature over time.

Some patients may experience temporary soreness as the body adjusts to changes in spinal alignment. Our treatments are safe and closely monitored.

While chiropractic care cannot completely correct scoliosis in all cases, it can provide significant benefits in terms of pain relief, improved posture, and potentially slowing the progression of the curvature.

Still have questions?


What Patients Say

Compassionate care and improved health outcomes at Atlas Clinics.

After one treatment at ATLAS CLINICS , I all of a sudden noticed that I was not waking up in debilitating pain anymore. I have a drastic overall reduction in inflammation throughout my whole body, which regular chiropractic techniques could never truly fix.

Theresa P Patient

The first treatment at Atlas changed everything! As soon as I got off the table, my headache and all the tension and discomfort was completely gone – it felt like magic! I followed all of the after care instructions and diligently went to every follow up appointment and I have been headache free ever since. There is no more pain or tension in my neck and shoulders and I finally have control of my days again.

Rose V Patient

I had five years of debilitating back pain. I was unable to walk more than five minutes, couldn’t drive, couldn’t sit or work and was in A LOT of pain for FIVE YEARS. I went to many different chiropractors and tried different treatments nothing seemed to improve my condition. After ONE treatment at ATLAS CLINICS my back pain was 70% gone after a month. Now my pain is 100% gone. I’m lifting weights, running and living a normal life.

Frank P Patient